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How to Pack Items for a Storage Unit

People who are planning a move will inevitably find themselves with tons of boxes full of stuff they have no idea what to do with, especially seniors who are rightsizing.

How to Pack Items for a Storage Unit

Photo Credit | Wikipedia

Click on the link for more information on how to help a seniors with right rightsizing. Once you have finished rightsizing you will be able to start the process of packing a storage unit as rightsizing is the first step.

Before you can properly organize a storage unit, you need to determine what you need to store. After you have determined what needs to be kept in storage, is important to come up with a plan.

Plan on keeping frequently used items in the front of the unit, making them accessible.

Keeping in mind frequently used items, create a basic layout on paper. If you are not good with a computer or do not have good drawing skills, ask a relative or friend to help with the drawing. Below are some tips for creating your layout and things to keep in mind when storing items in your unit.

• Keep heavy items to the side or in the back.
• Wrap valuable items with bubble wrap, newspapers, and/or old towels and clearly label them “FRAGILE.”
• Mark all boxes clearly – this means you can easily look at the box and know exactly what is inside.
• Use multiple small boxes rather than large boxes so you are able to lift each box on your own.

After you create the layout and move the items into your storage unit, keep a chart of exactly where everything ended up. This could be the same as the layout you planned, but if you made adjustments – be sure to mark them down.

Remember to be careful when stacking boxes, because they could fall causing both damage to the items inside as well as you.

If you feel you are unable to move and stack boxes on your own, call Moves for Seniors. We can help move your items into storage.

Call (800) 227-0515 or click here for a free consultation.