Veteran Ed Bray Learns to Read at Age 89
Memorial Day became an official federal holiday in 1971, celebrated by Americans and families nationwide. On the last Monday in the month of May, we honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military.

Photo Credit | CBS News
With Memorial Day around the corner, we want to highlight a heartwarming story about one of our American Veterans, Ed Bray. Ed Bray served in World War II. He has been awarded over a dozen medals and two Purple Heart awards. He has accomplished so much throughout his lifetime and has recently overcome a major hurdle – learning to read at age 89!
Ed Bray may have served in World War II, but he admits that the toughest thing that he has had to endure is surviving so many years without the ability to read. He spent over 80 years without reading, but no one ever knew because his wife helped him conceal his disability.
Until the day he retired, Ed worked at an Air Force base refueling planes. Ed was able to manage OK without the ability to read, but he felt like something was missing from his life.
“I want to read one book,” he said. “I don’t care if it’s about Mickey Mouse. I want to read one book before I die.”
It wasn’t due to a lack of trying that Ed was unable to read. Many people have tried to teach him, but frustration would settle in and eventually Ed would throw in the towel. Finally a few years ago, a friend recommended a professor from Northeastern State University, Tobi Thompson, to teach him.
Although Ed held a negative attitude toward his ability to read, and even told Tobi that she was wasting her time, the professor did not give up. She started Ed with sight words – the way kids start in Kindergarten. Within a few weeks, everything was starting to click for Ed.
At the age of 89, Ed Bray read his first book about George Washington. He felt a huge wave of accomplishment and pride. Even though he is reading at a third-grade-level; he is reading nonetheless and is proud of his recent triumph. He continues to read and learn, and looks forward to moving forward with his newfound ability and love of reading.
As Ed said, “Get in there and learn, baby. Now! ‘Cause you ain’t going to learn in that pine box.” It doesn’t matter what age you are, you can always learn something new when you put your mind to it!
Reference – CBS News